stone age board game title

Stone Age Board Game – Roll Dice in the Love Hut

The first time I played stone age was back in 2011, a mere 3 years after the board game was released. Keep in mind I only got started in the hobby of board gaming around 2010. The earliest memory I have of this game is getting warned beforehand that the dice cup stinks. I still remember that warning to this day and thought it was really funny. I currently own the Z-man Games edition of the game which I got in 2019, and that cup smelled perfectly fine straight out the box. It is one of the earliest worker placement games I played and it is a really fun game, even making my Best Board Games Of 2021 list.

Codenames – Awesome and Exciting Cooperative Word Game

The codenames game took the board gaming world by storm when it was released in 2015. Designed by Vlaada Chvátil and published by Czech Games Edition, it went on to sell millions of copies, spawning many different editions and some online implementations since that initial release.

What I love about codenames is just how simple the game is to teach and how it works in so many situations. I can’t recall a situation where this game has ever failed me. I have played it at Christmas parties, New Years’ eve gatherings, simple nights in with my partner with codenames duet and it always just works. The possibilities are endless, and I really hope to put this game on your radar if it is not already.

monopoly deal rules

Monopoly Deal Rules And Cards – Have Some Amazing Fun Now!

Monopoly Deal is a game I have over 100 plays of. Unfortunately, about half of those games I played incorrectly. I was incorrectly taught that each card could not be of the same type. i.e. playing three properties, or playing 3 actions, etc. We had fun nonetheless. This blog post will go over the rules of the game. It will also have a summary of some of the cards. Without further ado here are the monopoly deal rules and game cards.